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Top IAS Interview Questions To Prepare

The UPSC examination, or the civil service examination commonly known by most people, is the gateway to becoming the much-respected Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer. It is one of the most prestigious positions one can hold in the Indian government, and thus the examination is one of the toughest examinations in the country to crack.

Why is the IAS interview tough?

The UPSC examination by itself is very tough, and added to that is the toughness of the interview that most applicants have to go through. Given that there are only about 5000 IAS officers at any point of time in India, a huge base of applicants applies for the examination and try to crack it. Due to extreme competition, the interview helps in screening out the best of the best or the crème de la crème.

Top IAS Questions One Should Not Neglect

  • Tell me about yourself. Like any other interview, this interview also starts with this very common question. One has to confidently answer who they are and why they are credible enough for the position. This is a make-or-break opportunity as this is the first question to make an impression on.

  • Tell me about your strength and weakness. Since the IAS is already a very prestigious position that one can hold, one should be prepared and have deep insights about oneself. This makes it a very common interview question as only very mature minds can make it through the interviews.

  • Where do you wish to see yourself in the next five years? This is a very common interview question again, but this will make you stand out from the crowd and show them who you want to become in the future and how you wish to contribute to the country’s bureaucracy.

  • What did you learn from your mistakes? This is also a question of deep introspection, and more often than not, many applicants get a punch in the face as most people are not acquainted with their flaws. This is one of the top ias interview questions that you can come across as a candidate.

  • Why do you want to join civil services? This is also a very common question that most applicants will face, and this is one of the major opportunities one will get to show the panel why they’ve chosen to join the civil service.


While there is absolutely an umpteenth number of questions that can be asked to a candidate, these were some of the very common interview questions that help make a lasting impression on the panel and also help in kick-starting a great overall interview throughout.

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